Naša utierka do auta z mikrovlákna je nepostrádateľným doplnkom každého vodiča, ktorému záleží na čistote a vzhľade svojho vozidla. Táto vynikajúca utierka vyrobená z vysokokvalitného mikrovlákna zaisťuje efektívne odstránenie nečistôt, prachu a akejkoľvek špiny z povrchu auta.
Vďaka svojej jemnej štruktúre mikrovlákna je naša handrička bezpečná pre lak auta a nezanecháva žiadne škrabance ani šmuhy. Je ideálny na použitie na lak, okná, interiéry vozidiel a iné povrchy, pričom poskytuje vynikajúce výsledky čistenia bez potreby silných čistiacich prostriedkov.
Nielenže účinne odstraňuje nečistoty, ale aj absorbuje vodu, vďaka čomu je pri umývaní auta nepostrádateľný. Vďaka svojej odolnej konštrukcii je naša tkanina opakovane použiteľná, čo z nej robí ekonomickú a ekologickú voľbu.
Flexibilná a ľahko použiteľná, naša utierka z mikrovlákna je ideálna na každodenné čistenie aj profesionálne detaily auta. Jeho kompaktná veľkosť umožňuje jeho pohodlné uloženie v kufri alebo odkladacej schránke, čo zaisťuje dostupnosť v každej situácii.
Investujte do našej utierky z mikrovlákna a užívajte si čisté, lesklé auto s minimálnou námahou a bez rizika poškodenia laku. Ide o spoľahlivý nástroj, vďaka ktorému bude umývanie vášho auta potešením a vždy zaručí dokonalé výsledky.
We have contacts all over Poland and abroad with various car dealerships where we take measurements when you are unable to come to us. We approach each measurement with the perfection with which a watchmaker assembles a watch.
Fill out this form and we will realize individually tailored floor mats for your car.
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Accurate color is an art, not a science!
We try to reproduce the colors of our materials as faithfully as possible. However, it is worth considering a few scientific and technical facts that may affect the differences in shades:
Screen specifics. Each screen (phone, tablet, monitor) has its own color settings, which depend on the display technology, brightness, contrast and color temperature. All this affects the perception of colors. For example, OLED screens display colors more intensely than LCD screens.
Lighting and environment. Colors are perceived differently depending on the type of lighting (natural or artificial) and its intensity. For example, in daylight, the shade may seem brighter than in lamplight.
Materials and their structure. The EVA material from which our rugs are made has a unique texture and relief. This can cause additional optical effects, making the color look different from different viewing angles.
We guarantee that each rug will be made with the utmost attention to detail and the quality you expect. If you have any doubts about the shade, we will be happy to advise you and help you make the best choice.
Accurate color is an art, not a science!
We try to reproduce the colors of our materials as faithfully as possible. However, it is worth considering a few scientific and technical facts that may affect the differences in shades:
Screen specifics.
Each screen (phone, tablet, monitor) has its own color settings, which depend on the display technology, brightness, contrast and color temperature. All this affects the perception of colors. For example, OLED screens display colors more intensely than LCD screens.
Lighting and environment.
Colors are perceived differently depending on the type of lighting (natural or artificial) and its intensity. For example, in daylight, the shade may seem brighter than in lamplight.
Materials and their structure.
The EVA material from which our rugs are made has a unique texture and relief. This can cause additional optical effects, making the color look different from different viewing angles.
We guarantee that each rug will be made with the utmost attention to detail and the quality you expect. If you have any doubts about the shade, we will be happy to advise you and help you make the best choice.