Rubber Floor Heel nie je len štýlovým doplnkom, ale aj nepostrádateľným prvkom, ktorý chráni koberček v aute a poskytuje dodatočnú funkčnosť pri každodennom jazdení. Gumová podložka päty je vyrobená z pružnej, vysokokvalitnej gumy a montuje sa priamo na koberček na strane vodiča.
Naša podložka sa dodáva samostatne, čo umožňuje vodičom, aby si ich nainštalovali sami podľa svojich individuálnych preferencií. Inštalácia je jednoduchá a nevyžaduje špeciálne zručnosti.
Aké sú výhody gumenej podpätky?
1 - Ochrana koberca: Gumová pätová podložka chráni koberček pred rýchlejším opotrebovaním, najmä v oblasti pod pätou vodiča, ktorá je najzraniteľnejšia voči oderu a poškodeniu.
2 Prevencia pošmyknutia: Vďaka špeciálne navrhnutým výstupkom a priehlbinám minimalizuje pätová podložka riziko skĺznutia chodidla počas jazdy, čím zvyšuje pohodlie a bezpečnosť.
3 Trvanlivosť a robustnosť: Gumová podložka päty je vyrobená z vysoko kvalitnej gumy a je odolná a odolná voči opotrebovaniu. Hrúbka 3 mm zaisťuje pevnosť a montáž na plastové nitované skrutky je jednoduchá a rýchla.
Vďaka gumenej podložke si vodiči môžu užiť dlhšiu životnosť autokoberčeka a zvýšený komfort pri cestovaní. Ochranu, funkčnosť a štýl poskytuje naša gumená podložka.
We have contacts all over Poland and abroad with various car dealerships where we take measurements when you are unable to come to us. We approach each measurement with the perfection with which a watchmaker assembles a watch.
Fill out this form and we will realize individually tailored floor mats for your car.
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Accurate color is an art, not a science!
We try to reproduce the colors of our materials as faithfully as possible. However, it is worth considering a few scientific and technical facts that may affect the differences in shades:
Screen specifics. Each screen (phone, tablet, monitor) has its own color settings, which depend on the display technology, brightness, contrast and color temperature. All this affects the perception of colors. For example, OLED screens display colors more intensely than LCD screens.
Lighting and environment. Colors are perceived differently depending on the type of lighting (natural or artificial) and its intensity. For example, in daylight, the shade may seem brighter than in lamplight.
Materials and their structure. The EVA material from which our rugs are made has a unique texture and relief. This can cause additional optical effects, making the color look different from different viewing angles.
We guarantee that each rug will be made with the utmost attention to detail and the quality you expect. If you have any doubts about the shade, we will be happy to advise you and help you make the best choice.
Accurate color is an art, not a science!
We try to reproduce the colors of our materials as faithfully as possible. However, it is worth considering a few scientific and technical facts that may affect the differences in shades:
Screen specifics.
Each screen (phone, tablet, monitor) has its own color settings, which depend on the display technology, brightness, contrast and color temperature. All this affects the perception of colors. For example, OLED screens display colors more intensely than LCD screens.
Lighting and environment.
Colors are perceived differently depending on the type of lighting (natural or artificial) and its intensity. For example, in daylight, the shade may seem brighter than in lamplight.
Materials and their structure.
The EVA material from which our rugs are made has a unique texture and relief. This can cause additional optical effects, making the color look different from different viewing angles.
We guarantee that each rug will be made with the utmost attention to detail and the quality you expect. If you have any doubts about the shade, we will be happy to advise you and help you make the best choice.