Política de reembolso


1. Manufacturer’s Warranty.

    1.1 All Products sold through the Shop are covered under the manufacturer’s warranty (manufacturer/seller) which is applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland,
    1.2 The warranty period for the Products sold through the Shop is up to 12 months and is counted from the date of delivery of the Product to the Customer,
    1.3 The document entitling to warranty protection is the warranty card or proof of purchase,
    1.4 guarantor's data, detailed information about the goods covered by the warranty, data regarding the duration and conditions of the warranty, as well as the Customer's rights under the warranty - included in the warranty card attached to the Product or available on the Shop's website,
    1.5 The warranty does not exclude the rights of the Consumer and the entities referred to in § 10 of the Terms and Conditions, resulting from the warranty for physical and legal defects of the Product, specified in the Civil Code.

2. Statutory warranty process.

     2.1 The basis and scope of the Seller's liability towards the Customer who is a Consumer or an entity referred to in § 10 of the Terms and Conditions for the non-compliance of the Product with the contract are specified in the Act on Consumer Rights of May 30, 2014,

     2.2 The basis and scope of the Seller's liability towards the Customer who is an Entrepreneur, referred to in § 9 under the warranty, are specified in the Civil Code of April 23, 1964,

     2.3 The Seller is liable to the Customer who is a Consumer or an entity referred to in § 10 of the Terms and Conditions for the lack of conformity of the Product with the contract existing at the time of delivery of the Product and revealed within 2 years from that moment, unless the expiry date of the Product specified by the Seller or persons acting in his name is longer,

     2.4 Notice of non-compliance of the Product with the contract and all demands should be submitted via email to the following address: reklamacja.evamats@gmail.com or in writing to the following address: ul. Kostki Napierskiego 7, 81-469 Gdynia

    2.5 The notice, submitted electronically, should contain sufficient detail about the subject of the complaint and about the circumstances giving rise to the issue. Specifically, complaints should include information about the nature of the issue, the date when the issue first arose as well as the complainant’s contact details Providing all necessary data will speed up the complaint-handling process.

    2.6 For the assessment of irregularities and non-compliance of the Product with the contract, the Consumer or the entity referred to in § 10 of the Terms and Conditions are obliged to make the Product available to the Seller, and the Seller is obliged to collect it at his own expense.

    2,7 A response to the Customer’s demand shall be sent promptly and, in any event, no later than within 14 days following the date of receipt.

    2.8 In the case of complaints submitted by consumer Customers or the entity referred to in § 10 of the Terms and Conditions - the Seller’s failure to consider the Customer’s complaint within 14 days of its receipt shall be construed as tantamount to a decision in the Customer’s favour. 

    2.9 The Customer or the entity referred to in § 10 of the Terms and Conditions may first demand that the Product be replaced or repaired by the Seller. The Customer may demand a price reduction and withdrawal from the contract only in the cases specified in the Act on Consumer Rights of 30 May 2014 (e.g. when the non-conformity of the goods with the contract is significant, when the Seller refused to bring the goods into compliance with the contract or if the lack of conformity of the goods with the contract persists despite the fact that the seller has tried to bring the goods into conformity with the contract).

    2.10 in connection with a justified complaint of a Customer who is a Consumer or an entity referred to in § 10 of the Terms and Conditions, the Seller, respectively:

           a) covers the costs of replacing or repair and re-delivering the Product to the Consumer,

           b) reduces the price of the Product (the reduced price must remain in the proportion of the price of the goods in accordance with the contract to the goods not in accordance with the contract) and returns the value of the reduced price to the Consumer or the entity referred to in § 10 no later than within 14 days of receiving the authorized statement of this Consumer or the entity referred to in § 10 to reduce the price,

          c) in the case of authorized withdrawal from the contract by the Consumer or the entity referred to in § 10 - returns the price of the Product to them no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the returned goods or proof of its return. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Consumer or the entity referred to in § 10 is obliged to immediately return the goods to the Seller at the Seller's expense.

      2.11 The response to the complaint is provided on paper or other durable medium, e.g. e-mail or SMS.